Институциональный отдел продаж

Институциональный отдел продаж

Институциональный отдел продаж


Отчеты BrokerCheck от FINRA для Interactive Brokers и ее инвестиционных профессионалов доступны на сайте www.finra.org/brokercheck

Взаимные и хедж-фонды

Robert Leff, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 3676
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Steven MacNamara, CFA, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 3681
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Brett Goldstein, Director of Hedge Fund Sales, West Coast
Тел.: +1 415 730 1999
San Francisco, CA 94123

John Watras, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 475 619 4503
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Kevin Reinhard, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 824 8195
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Michael J. Domka, Managing Director, Sales
Тел.: +1 312 542 6924
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Nicholas George, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 8986
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Marty McDonagh, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 312 542 6931
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

William Katts, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 4014
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Craig M. Rose, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 4009
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Rob Moore, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 561 803 4513
777 S. Flagler Drive Suite 1001
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Michael Gast, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 8985
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Frank A. Magnani, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 918 6653
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Michael Krueger, CFA, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 8981
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Michael Zitani, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5543
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Amanda McLean, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 8059
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 2nd Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

John Cracraft, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5971
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Проп-трейдинговая компания

Craig M. Rose, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 4009
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

John Seeberg, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5991
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Michael Zitani, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5543
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Brett Goldstein, Director of Hedge Fund Sales, West Coast
Тел.: +1 415 730 1999
San Francisco, CA 94123

Nicholas George, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 8986
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Michael Krueger,CFA, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 8981
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830


Allison Tenerelli, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 312 542 6860
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60604

Robert Leff, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 3676
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

William Katts, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 4014
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Judith Casasampere, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 561 803 4508
777 S. Flagler Drive Suite 1001
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Rob Moore, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 561 803 4513
777 S. Flagler Drive Suite 1001
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Marta (Casas) Zajkowski, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 832 4854
West Coast Sales

Amanda McLean, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 8059
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Josh Kelley, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 707 364 5341
West Coast Sales

Marty McDonagh, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 312 542 6931
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Frank A. Magnani, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 918 6653
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Mike Brady, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 312 542 6851
Факс: +1 312 984 1001
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Jane Fung, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 992 0546
San Francisco, CA 94123

Steven MacNamara, CFA, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 422 3681
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

John Seeberg, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5991
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830


Консультанты по торговле товарами & операторы товарных пулов

Michael J. Domka, Managing Director, Sales
Тел.: +1 312 542 6924
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

John Cracraft, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5971
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Caleb Reynolds, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 707 364 2556
West Coast Sales

Mike Brady, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 312 542 6851
Факс: +1 312 984 1001
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Зарегистрированные брокеры и FCM

Judith Casasampere, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 561 803 4508
777 S. Flagler Drive Suite 1001
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Kevin Reinhard, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 824 8195
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Caleb Reynolds, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 707 364 2556
West Coast Sales

Allison Tenerelli, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 312 542 6860
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60604

Aleh Drobysh, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 203 618 5935
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

John Watras, Sales Representative
Тел.: +1 475 619 4503
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830


Michael Domka, генеральный менеджер, отдел продаж
Тел.: +1 312 542 6924
Факс: +1 312 984 1005
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Голосовой брокер/блочный трейдинг

Craig M. Rose, агент по продажам
Тел.: +1 203 618 4009
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Квантитативная и алгоритмическая торговля

William Katts, агент по продажам
Тел.: +1 203 618 4014
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Система IBKR по управлению ордерами (OMS)

Michael Gast, агент по продажам
Тел.: +1 203 422 8985
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

Альтернативная торговая система (ATS)

Robert Leff, агент по продажам
Тел.: +1 203 422 3676
Факс: +1 203 618 5509
Three Pickwick Plaza, 1st Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830

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